Haven't been on here a while but it's been a fairly hectic summer so far. First off, largely through tragically inadequate planning I managed to spin out my charity trek down the east coast from Skeggy to Southend from about 300 mile to nearer 400, and finished up a stone and a half lighter and with a little toe like a sorry piece of sausage meat left out for the dog. Would just like to take this opportunity to give a big thanks to all of those who contributed. - Big thanks.
Our 4th annual Blackpool reunion for the "Cumberland Ex-Servicemen's Club" was a huge laugh with packed venues for all 3 nights, Nigel and Yvonne's hard graft to make it all happen has to be applauded and long may they continue. The event was filmed this year by Karl King and if the two trailers are anything to go by the final cut will be a cracker, so thanks mate you did a great job. To view clips click -
(The football match was a classic encounter).
The rest of the summer has a certain uncertainty about it for me. I was supposed to be writing the life story of one of Blackpool's most loved and popular entertainers, but as it turns out he can't remember any of it, so that's a bit of a snag.