Well, the November Fiestas are upon us once more, and once again we'll witness the culture split. The Spanish will dress in their sublime lacy period costumes, observe the parades and fireworks and visit the funfair in the old town, with small children gambling playfully at their feet. - Then there's the middle aged British gangs who'll converge on their favourite bar (Vincents, Wooky Hollow, Yorkshire Pride and Shamrock being the favourites), have a high volume chat with the folks they met last year and get wrecked whilst dressed up as Fred Flintstone. - Not that there's owt wrong with that mind! - that's OUR culture that's all. There not much good if you're a "Turn" though, and I've been laid off from "Sinatras" while the heat dies down.
Trawling through the papers today, it's a case of Prince Philip eat your heart out, after hearing of this classic from all round entertainer, Italian Supremo Silvio Berlusconi. Whilst in a press conference with the Russian President he came up with this corker. - "I will try to help relations between Russia and the U.S, where a new generation has come to power, and I see no problems to establish new relations with Obama who is handsome, young and suntanned"
Oh for f......
Oh for f......
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