My Christmas Day was officially "Quiet" I set about making Christmas dinner which was a first for me and pleased to say it was a masterpiece! - Well the chicken breast was a touch on the chewy side, me "Aunt Bessie" roasties turned me oven into a raging inferno and at one point I dashed hot foot into the kitchen thinking the thing had blown up. (As it turned out somebody had dropped a bag of shopping out in the corridor but it sounded like an explosion to me). Only problem was that Í´d made enought to feed a family of six, and I sat there like Henry the sodding 8th ploughing my way through mounds of veg, 4 giant Yorkshire puddings and enough mashed potatoes to grout me entire bathroom. After about an hour I gave a groan, rolled to one side like a giant Weeble and and fell asleep with a sprout in me mouth at around 5:30pm.

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