Saturday, November 19, 2011

November Madness.

Well that´s the fiestas over then, and it was probably the busiest we´ve ever had in the Cumberland Bar. A great week with some new faces showing up this year apart from some of the usual characters - i.e The mayor and mayoress of Benidorm (Colin and Betty), Angie, Val and their gang including Baz and his “I predict a riot” routine whereby the audience hurl beer mats at the stage to the “Kaiser Chiefs” classic hit – somebody selotaped 4 of the buggers together and nearly had Nigel´s eye out. Maggie Newman and her crew, Max and Andy, Chucklin Bob and Claire plus Stelly and his loons from Macclesfield.

Benidorm will go into sleep mode now until Christmas and the Cumberland Bar will shut for a few days at the beginning of December when a few of us will bob over to Blackpool and have a jolly up with a few of our “members” over there.