Thursday, September 11, 2008

Summer of 2008 - illustrated

Well there you go, another click of the fingers and whooooosh!! - the summer's gone. It didn't turn out anything like I'd planned. Originally, I was to have visited around 15 "Quirky" festivals around England, - in the end I managed 3! - and one of those I turned up a week early by mistake.
Mind you, I'm taking part in the "Gorilla Fun Run" in London city centre on September 27th (I've got to, I've already paid £75 for the suit).
The main reason I got side tracked was that I ended up living in Blackpool for the summer, despite what the elements chucked at us, I had a great time witnessing live shows including such diversities as "Joseph and his technicoloured wotsit", Joe Longthorne, Jimmy Carr (a bit like Chubby Brown without the loud suit), Cannon and Ball, Norman Collier, Brotherhood of Man, Paul Daniels, Boyzone and The Krankies!!.
I arrived back in Benidorm yesterday and recoiled at the heat, I've not been out of the shower since I got here, and had to sleep with my fan at the side of the bed last night, (she was thrilled). Start back to work on Sunday afternoon at the "Cumberland Sports & Social Club" as the Concert Chairman, it's a bit warm to be wearing a suit, tie and flat cap, - but I must suffer for my art.
The photos are a resume of the summer, - not including the "Bottle Kicking" and "Cheese Rolling" which took place in the Spring (though it felt like mid winter).

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